Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why am I always tired?


Often people go through the phase of hating their workouts and not being active enough after working out. This is because you are working out too much. 

Understand this, this is really important. Rest days matter the most. You should be having atleast 2 days rest in your week. If you dont like having 2 rest days in a  row, you should adjust it as per your liking and have rest days. If you dont like 2 complete rest days, you could include a little bit of yoga or walking or dancing or pilates in one of your rest day. And complete rest with some stretching in other. 

Rest days are really important as they help you repair your torn muscles. Also you'll see healthy progress only if you have proper rest days. Otherwise you wont be able to give you 100 percent in your workouts if you exercise everyday without rest. Rest days are also called Growth days now.  □ Strenuous workouts cause muscle breakdown, while rest allows our bodies to build it back up. If there are no growth days in your routine, continuous muscle breakdown may hinder your progress. Growth days also are the time when our bodies replenish glycogen levels.

Its okay to be a complete couch potato for 2 days. It's okay to not be motivated to workout. Dont feel the pressure to not be lazy and snack on Doritos. 

If you feel fatigued even after your rest days, then you must be working out too much everyday. 

Working out for 30-45 minutes a day is enough. You don't need to workout for 2 hours to look like a Victoria Secret model  cz you already do ;)

Working out should be fun and shouldnt feel like a chore that you HAVE to do to fit in. It should make you feel energized and active all day. If you dont feel like that then you might need to change it. 

Will a rest day ruin my progress?
It can actually make your progress slower if you train this way, as your muscles aren't given enough time to heal, which is essential for growth. The ideal training routine for those asking how many rest days between workouts bodybuilders should take is 4-5 times per week

Thank you and I love you! 

How to get a zero -figure like Kareena Kapoor?


Rujuta Diwekar is the dietitian of Kareena Kapoor who was famous for her zero figure starting from the movie Tashan. Rujuta Diwekar described how Kareena Kapoor lost weight and got everyone's dream figure in her book ' Don't Lose your mind, Lose your weight'. 

In her book she has given some examples of her clients and how she starts their diets . She has also given many tips on how we can lose weight easily without fad diets. So, she says that eating something every 2 hours will help you remain full throughout the day and you won't get any unhealthy cravings. 

She has also given a whole description about all that and you'll have to read the book for it. That book is worth reading. 

So, Kareena Kapoor didn't just drink Orange juice in every meal. People accused her of an eating disorder and how she was encouraging people to not eat. But in reality, that isn't true at all. Kareena Kapoor lost weight by eating Parathas and cheese and rice. 

Rujuta Diwekar has described in her book that Kareena Kapoor prefers a hot breakfast like Upma or Poha or Paratha and before breakfast and after 10 minutes of waking up she has a banana or some dried fruits. She also eats in 2-2 hours. She prefers Sabzi Roti and Dal like a normal person for lunch and Rice in dinner. She snacks on cheese and peanuts throughout her day in every 2 hours. 

She workouts like every other celebrity and she also does surya Namaskar( Sun salutations) 

Well, you must've expected Roasted chicken, fish, boiled vegetables, or in worst case scenario orange juice. But that's not true! 

Kareena Kapoor prefers white rice over brown rice and prefers cheese over boiled veggies. She also eats ghee. In our fitness industry ghee is described as our worst enemy but Rujuta Diwekar doesnt believe that . 

She encourages us to eat local food that is available in our state and what suits are season unlike others who promote Celery juice and avocados in order to be healthy. 


How to change your life in 30 days?

 Hi!! Ever wondered why all the successful people wakeup early!? 

Here's why, when you wake up at 5 or 6 am, the energy at that hour is different. It's the energy that you wont feel when you stay up till 5 am. You'll feel it when you are done with your sleep and when you are fresh and fully awake.

Why is it majestic? 

Because in just that hour not many people are awake and theres not many people awake and  theres not much you can do in that hour other than meditating or working out or praying like most people. 

What can you do at 5 am? 

Just wakeup and think all you can do in that moment. Or just enjoy your coffee or tea peacefully. Maybe write your journal, meditate to manifest or just staring into space will also help your uneasy mind to calm down. It will help you get your emotions together and will set your mindset for the day. 

You might struggle waking up early for first 2-3 days but once you get the hold of it,you'll wake up enjoying it. You'll feel happy and fresh and in peace. You'll wakeup motivated to do something.

Whether you are looking forward to lose weight or maintain weight or this doesnt have anything to do with your fitness journey, you'll succeed. 

What else can you do to change your life? 

 ●Set your timetable for the day. This will keep you organized and will help you get the hold of your day. Get your chores done. Dont be lazy and just sit around. 

You can be lazy after you're done with your chores. Dont procrastinate. 

● Drink atleast a gallon of water everyday. It settles your running mind. Helps you remain healthy. Moves your bowels smoothly. Makes you feel happy again. 

● Eat intuitively but mindfully 

● Meditate in some manner.

● Read something.  Try and gain knowledge everyday.  

● Pray. Be more grateful. 

●Do something that makes you feel happy. 

● Self care is really important. 

● Sleep early. Get atleast 8 hours of sleep. It clears your skin. Makes you lose weight and prevents stress. And your muscles repair. 

Okay. Best of luck for becoming a whole different person . 


Friday, December 25, 2020

How to get abs?

 Hi!! Welcome! So, the most asked question is how to get abs. By doing crunches? Or by sit ups? Or by doing a shit lot of cardio? 

The answer is you cant get abs just by doing a 100 crunches a day. Yes your core will become strong if you do a 100 crunches everyday but you wont have visible abs. Actually we all have abs. They are hidden beneath our fat cells which are ofcourse very important to keep our organs safe. And it is absolutely normal to have belly fat. Everyone has it. And no, even I dont have visible abs. I too crave.for.them and have been wanting them for like a year. But I still don't have visible abs. I might have it if I did 2 hrs of exercise and spoil everything in my body. But will I do that? No. 

If someone has abs that doesnt mean that they workout crazily. Every body type is different. Bella Hadids body type is different from mine. Mine is different from yours. No body works same. And thus exercising like a famous influencer wont give you abs in 5 days. 

If you really want abs, try working on your back, legs and chest. These muscles will give an illusion of a smaller waist. And these are the bigger muscles we can work on. Doing ab exercises everyday wont give you abs. Because abs are small muscles in our body just like biceps, booty, love handles. Working them out wont give you any major benefit except that part. If you work on the bigger muscles, your whole body will be affected and you might see your results. 

Also, food plays a major role in health journey or achieving any type of goals. Eat clean and healthy. Eat proper amounts of protien. Your body needs protien (in gms) as per your weight( in kilos). Suppose you are a 70 kilo person, you need 70 gms of protien everyday. Eat properly and intuitively. Dont try to measure 40 gms of rice and 100 grams of dal. Eat what you feel like eating. But in moderation. 

In short,you don't have to work on your abs everyday to have visible abs. And after following all this, if you still dont have abs then what .. its just a body.. it's not like it's the end of the world .. ( I know I sound like a complete Karen) but please don't be unhappy over some small thing unless you are body building and desperately want abs in a week. 

Take your steps carefully and slowly and believe in your self. In your body

 Okay bye !! See ya next time! 

Honest influencers:

How to plan a workout calendar?

 Hi you guys! Welcome back! I am so happy that you are here. 

So ! I always wondered in the beginning of my journey that how do people workout in the gym without a trainer or a following video. But then after a long time I understood that all of them follow a calendar or a plan. So I researched on some of the plans and how it works. 

Ofcourse if you are following a plan by a particular person then you already you have your life together but if you are not, I got you!

First of all, plan your workout days I.e. when you'll be working out and when you'll be having your rest days. Then plan your time of the day when you'll be working out. Trust me it will be easier if you've planned everything out beforehand. 

Now, are morning workouts more effective or evening workouts? The answer is that time is not at all important. Just working out is. Anytime you like is the best time for an effective workout. You don't need to wake up at 5 am for working out unless you love that time of the morning.

Now back to the workout planning. 

Workout split: 



Wednesday: FULL BODY DAY 

Thursday : Rest day or Active rest             day(walking/Yoga)

Friday: Glutes and Abs 

Saturday: HIIT or Cardio

Sunday: Rest day 

Now this is what I suggest, you can move around the days as per your choice but make sure you incorporate all these workouts in your workout . And please stretch either everyday after your workouts or a full on 30 minute session on your rest day. 

So that's about it. That's how you plan your workout calendar. Be sure to include rest days! Ya got any questions? Drop 'em down. Bye! See ya next time 💓

Here are some of my favorite workout plans: 

Koboko Fitness(Beginner level) : 

Pamela Reif(Intermediate level): 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Does HIIT help you lose weight?

Hi! Welcome back! So we all wonder, does HIIT really will help us lose weight? Yes, HIIT helps you lose weight!! But .. what is HIIT? How does it work? Why do I have injuries from HIIT? Why does my back hurt? Why am I always fatigued? There are answers to all of these questions here. 

HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. It is combined with cardio and body weight exercises sometimes they include weights too. If you just do cardio you'll lose weight but will you tone up? No. If you fo body weight exercise along with cardio you'll lose weight and tone up at the same time. 

Surprisingly it burns more calories than cardio and you wont get bored of running on treadmill. It also burns calories while you are at rest. Yes ! Suppose you did a HIIT workout one day and you rest the next day, you'll burn fat even on your rest day! 

But .. 

Can you do HIIT every single day in order to lose 10 kilos in 2 weeks ? 

NO !!! 

because HIIT is heavily designed to burn more calories and jumping exercises are included. Burpees are included. Doing it everyday will tire your muscles out. You'll feel sick, fatigued and you'll have no more motivation to workout. Most of the fitness experts say that your HIIT shouldn't exceed 50 minutes a week. Whether you do it once 50 minutes or you divide it for 2 day workouts. I advise you to go for divided HIIT. Doing HIIT for 50 minutes straight is dangerous too. Especially if you are a beginner. 

Also please include atleast 2 rest days in a week. Resting /stretching will help you relase your stress and will help your muscles to recover. And ! You'll lose weight easily if you include rest days. Your body needs rest honey. 

When I first discovered HIIT, I used to do 30 minutes of HIIT  everyday. But after doing HIIT (with jumps) twice, I got tired and bored. So I did a hiit with no jumping exercises and lost upto 10 lbs in a month!

Some of the best youtubers whose HIIT workouts are awesome are: 

Emi wong: (No jumping)

Normal HIIT

Chloe Ting:

Pamela Reif:

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Does a vegan diet help you lose weight ?

 Hiyaa!! Welcome to my blog! I hope you are having a wonderful day, if not then its okay. Its okay to be tired of your life.  Its okay to feel what you're feeling right now. Trust the process. I am sure you'll feel better after some time.  

So, We all have seen skinny vegans at some point of our lives promoting veganism and we all have wondered if going vegan will actually help

our weight loss. But mind it, if you opt for veganism you have to take care about all the multi vitamins you're taking and whether you are getting all the nutrients that are required for our body or not. 

I opted for a vegan diet in the beginning of 2020 and let me tell you, it was BAD. I did not consult a doctor or took any of the multi  vitamin tablets needed or any other supplements these people take. I suffered. A lot. 

I only did it for like 10 days and did not even did it properly. Some day I had honey or a yogurt that wasnt from a plant based milk and someday I had so much craving for meat and many more. Also I wasnt getting proper nutrients and thus my hair started falling badly by the end of those 10 days. 

Apart from that I also plateaued on my weight and my skin was worse than ever. I am not saying that you shouldnt opt for a vegan diet or all vegans are insane. I am just saying that dont make a mistake like I did. Consult a specialist or your doctor. Take proper supplements needed and then continue with your diet. Take care and I hope you succeed.💓 

Best vegans I know on YouTube 

Lilly Sabri ( one of my favorite people on YouTube)

Pick up limes :

Boho beautiful:

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Can you lose weight without working out?

 Hey there! Welcome! I am so happy that you are here to seek guidance. So many people hate working out and seek for losing weight without working out or choose fad diets which then to lose skin and skinny fatness. 

Yes, you can loose weight without working out but then these disadvantages follow. And you won't see the results you want without working out in anyway. So in my opinion you should workout if not 40-45 minutes atleast for 10 minutes everyday. You can do yoga if you dont like to jump around.

Yoga is the best low intensity but best workouts that you can do to lose weight and improve your flexibility and tone up at the same time. If you've read my earlier posts you must be knowing that I took on the Chloe Ting  14 day summer challenge and after completing that challenge I was so tired and fatigued. I hated working out so I chose yoga as my saviour. I found Boho beautiful on YouTube. Her workouts are of an intermediate level but as I had the experience of yoga I was able to do it with some difficulty only. But dont worry she also has beginner level workouts. I'll link them down below. If you find her workouts very tough, you can switch to psychetruth workouts. 

Boho beautiful is great! Her yoga workouts made me sweat and I loved it. I took her new year challenge and that gave me a good burn and I toned up a little bit. So I'd suggest that if you dont want to like workout workout you can do any physical activity you like. Like walking your pet or dancing or biking or hiking or swimming. Literally anything you like. Cooking even helps. Trust me you feel iffy before but after working out your body and mind both feel amazing. 

I hope you understand what I am trying to say and I  hope you start working out in some manner. Okay bye ! Love you! ❤

Chloe Ting workout challenge:

Boho beautiful challenge: 

Psychetruth :

Friday, December 11, 2020

Does eating 1000 calories a day help you lose wieght weight?

 Hi, Welcome back! So, I ask you how many calories you eat in a day and you say that you dont know then you are my best friend from that day! Don't, just don't count your calories. It ruined my progress and my mind. I used to count everything I ate and be sad about how much I ate that day. 

Trust me, an app doesn't know what you need. An app doesnt know what your body needs that day. An app doesnt know that you had a bad day and and you really want to eat that ice cream that is lying in your fridge that you bought last week. 

SO! HEAR ME OUT! Please dont get into the mess of counting calories and macros and micros unless you are body building ofcourse! Eat what your mind tells you to. Listen to your body. Yes this sounds cheesy but your body ofcourse tells you what you need and what it doesn't. Your body wont thank you if you count every gram of food you eat. It will thank you if you ate what its asking for. 

The app that you downloaded  for free is ruining your life. Is taking away your happiness ! Now is being happy more wonderful or being miserable is. I say throw away the app or less aggressively uninstall it. Eat enough. Eat intuitively. Eat with all your attention. If your body really wants chocolate eat the chocolate. Just be aware that you are eating it and enjoy it. Then when your craving stops you also stop. If you practice this way of eating you'll lose weight and be happy at the same time! And NO eating 1000 calories isn't enough. It will help you lose weight but it wont be healthy and as qualitative as the 2000 or more calorie lifestyle! Okay bye for now, see ya next time ! 

Any suggestions? Drop down in the comment section. Bye ❤

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Is hating yourself okay?

 Hi! Welcome back!! I am so happy you're back here. By this time, we should be like good friends right? Also tell me, do you love your self ? Your body everytime? Well to be honest, I dont. I sometimes can be like YASSS girl look at that butt and smack it and some other day I cry about how I look or how fat my arms are or how big my belly is or how jiggly my thighs are. So is self love effective like all the time? No ! I feel that it's okay to love your body sometime and call on it sometimes. 

Trust me sometimes that motivates you to achieve  something you've always wanted! Like my jiggly thighs. I know my thighs jiggle and I can think of working more on them, for them to be not to be do jiggly! I am not saying that jiggly thighs are bad but if you really want your thighs to be toned, then you'll have to work on them right . If you want to grow  that booty then you'll have  to work on them! You cant get everything on a golden platter. But! A lot of self love is VERY important too. Telling yourself that you love you and every part of you, will stop yourself from crying over it and will give you confidence.

Even if you don't grow that booty after a week, you'll have the confidence atleast that one day you will grow a booty because I am working for it! Right?! Do you agree with me on this topic ? I wanna know how you feel. Tell me. Okay so bye for now and always remember there's always people who love you no matter  what and they love you selflessly , no matter how you look, how you feel! So take an oath of loving your body now!  Dont wait for your body to become a certain shape and then love it. No! Say you love it right now ! Dont just say it though. Mean it ! Kkk bye ♡ 

These are some of the youtubers that help me love my self: 

The most favourite one is Linda sun ofcourse. I love LOVE LOVE her and almost every post of hers makes me cry.    - LINDA SUN    - Lavendaire  - Yoga with Adreine       - Alivia D'Andrea

Saturday, December 5, 2020

How to lose 5 kgs or more in a month (Easily)

  Hi!! Welcome back. I am so happy and thankful to you for coming back. So I'll be sharing my story of how I lost almost 25 kilos in a year and 5 kilos in my first month.  I was so bummed out after my university exams and I felt very heavy and unhealthy, so I decided to lose weight. Yeah I know, I just want to tell you that losing weight did not make me happy. So, I just Googled out randomly an Indian diet plan to follow and saw one or two videos and decided to eat exactly as the video prompted as it looked easy. Let me tell you I wasnt sure that I would lose weight because the diet plan included everything. I got to eat roti, sabzi and dal everyday but I was deprived of rice but that was okay for me because I am not a huge fan of rice anyway. I used to eat 2  wheat bread toasts for breakfast and my dal roti and sabzi for lunch and in dinner I used to eat upma or poha. I know they are breakfast options but I like them anytime. My beginning was very healthy but my breakfast wasnt that nutritious.. I know and let me tell you it got worse. I'll talk about that in some other post but now on to the "healthy diet". I used to drink my tea with sugar and milk and used to eat 2 rotis for lunch. I was happy, I was losing weight. But along with that I did some yoga too. I did 20 minutes of yoga for losing weight, I'll link that video down if I can. I felt even lighter when I did some yoga and stretches. I don't think I drank enough water back then but it was all going wonderful and I was very happy, my parents also noticed a bit difference in my body and my figure. Now back to some advice, if you want to lose weight,  you cant hop on some crazy diet and lose weight. I mean you will lose weight like that but it won't be sustainable . The moment you drop out you'll gain all of it back or more. If you really want to lose weight, you have to opt for a sustainable and fulfilling diet plan that helps you to lose weight and get your nutrients in at the same time so you dont lose hair and your mind. I would suggest eating intuitively, eat everything you want but control your portions and eat with all your senses. Put your phone aside and concentrate on what you're eating. That way you'll get fuller easily and you will know that you're full so that you can stop. Drink atleast a gallon of water everyday and be active. It isnt necessary to workout or go to the gym, you can walk your pet or you can dance and shake your bubbly butt or just your usual household work. Just dont be lazy. Believe me if you bring small changes in your lifestyle you'll become healthy and happy or if you want to lose weight you'll lose it the correct way! Okay bye for now. See ya next time!! 

The yoga that I did to lose weight:

Psychetruth - Yoga for weight loss part 1

Friday, December 4, 2020

How to start exercising and get the body you have always wanted

 Helloo there, welcome back! Today I'll tell you about how you can start exercising and not hate it. So if you've read my earlier posts you'll know that I started a journey back in 2019 and I've lost around 50 lbs. So in the beginning I did yoga as I mentioned in my last post. I did that and only that for about a month and lost 9 lbs. So if you cant do burpees and pushups you might wanna hop on to yoga. It is a real burner and it makes you feel light and confident. Then after a month I DISCOVERED blogilates. I started doing her 10 min or 12 min workouts. I did them for a week or so and then stopped. I just want to say that Cassey the queen is not a problem .. I am the problem! I just get bored easily. So I started googling and came across Chloe Ting. She wasn't this famous back then. I came across her 14 day summer shred challenge and started doing it. And I'll just say OH MAN. Her workouts killed me like literally I used to be drenched in sweat. I workout early in the mornings and oh man I used to wake up cursing her(No offence) But yeah .. I hated it! Still I did them  and on my final day of the challenge I measured myself for the first time in 6 months. I ofcourse didnt remember where I had noted down my measures but I had an image of faint 33 inches waist. So I measured myself and it was 31 inches! YAY ! So overall the progress motivated me to go on and on. It wasnt all the motivational videos I watched and the results of other people I watched. The 2 inches that i lost were staring at me and Saying that if you stop working out. BITCH we'll come back and this time with our kids! So I did not stop. But let me tell you I stopped Chloe Tings workouts. Yes because I hated them. I love chloe ting but I wasnt ready to die every single day. Oh yes ! I totally forgot that during her challenge I did light stretching or yoga in the evening. So I dropped her challenge and switched to yoga again. And now I am proud of myself for being in the place I am right now. So just cling on to something that makes you happy and doesnt kill you. Unless you like being killed! Just move your body in some or the other way  trust me you'll get better results. Always remember.  Its 70% diet and 30 whole % of your exercise! Okay bye for now. See ya next time! 


Chloe Ting summer shred Challenge:

Trying to be strongest I've ever been

 Hi, I hope you are doing well, I am just so happy and I feel so strong so I felt I might share it with you.  I started working out because ...