Monday, December 21, 2020

Does HIIT help you lose weight?

Hi! Welcome back! So we all wonder, does HIIT really will help us lose weight? Yes, HIIT helps you lose weight!! But .. what is HIIT? How does it work? Why do I have injuries from HIIT? Why does my back hurt? Why am I always fatigued? There are answers to all of these questions here. 

HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. It is combined with cardio and body weight exercises sometimes they include weights too. If you just do cardio you'll lose weight but will you tone up? No. If you fo body weight exercise along with cardio you'll lose weight and tone up at the same time. 

Surprisingly it burns more calories than cardio and you wont get bored of running on treadmill. It also burns calories while you are at rest. Yes ! Suppose you did a HIIT workout one day and you rest the next day, you'll burn fat even on your rest day! 

But .. 

Can you do HIIT every single day in order to lose 10 kilos in 2 weeks ? 

NO !!! 

because HIIT is heavily designed to burn more calories and jumping exercises are included. Burpees are included. Doing it everyday will tire your muscles out. You'll feel sick, fatigued and you'll have no more motivation to workout. Most of the fitness experts say that your HIIT shouldn't exceed 50 minutes a week. Whether you do it once 50 minutes or you divide it for 2 day workouts. I advise you to go for divided HIIT. Doing HIIT for 50 minutes straight is dangerous too. Especially if you are a beginner. 

Also please include atleast 2 rest days in a week. Resting /stretching will help you relase your stress and will help your muscles to recover. And ! You'll lose weight easily if you include rest days. Your body needs rest honey. 

When I first discovered HIIT, I used to do 30 minutes of HIIT  everyday. But after doing HIIT (with jumps) twice, I got tired and bored. So I did a hiit with no jumping exercises and lost upto 10 lbs in a month!

Some of the best youtubers whose HIIT workouts are awesome are: 

Emi wong: (No jumping)

Normal HIIT

Chloe Ting:

Pamela Reif:

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