Thursday, December 17, 2020

Does a vegan diet help you lose weight ?

 Hiyaa!! Welcome to my blog! I hope you are having a wonderful day, if not then its okay. Its okay to be tired of your life.  Its okay to feel what you're feeling right now. Trust the process. I am sure you'll feel better after some time.  

So, We all have seen skinny vegans at some point of our lives promoting veganism and we all have wondered if going vegan will actually help

our weight loss. But mind it, if you opt for veganism you have to take care about all the multi vitamins you're taking and whether you are getting all the nutrients that are required for our body or not. 

I opted for a vegan diet in the beginning of 2020 and let me tell you, it was BAD. I did not consult a doctor or took any of the multi  vitamin tablets needed or any other supplements these people take. I suffered. A lot. 

I only did it for like 10 days and did not even did it properly. Some day I had honey or a yogurt that wasnt from a plant based milk and someday I had so much craving for meat and many more. Also I wasnt getting proper nutrients and thus my hair started falling badly by the end of those 10 days. 

Apart from that I also plateaued on my weight and my skin was worse than ever. I am not saying that you shouldnt opt for a vegan diet or all vegans are insane. I am just saying that dont make a mistake like I did. Consult a specialist or your doctor. Take proper supplements needed and then continue with your diet. Take care and I hope you succeed.💓 

Best vegans I know on YouTube 

Lilly Sabri ( one of my favorite people on YouTube)

Pick up limes :

Boho beautiful:

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