Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Is hating yourself okay?

 Hi! Welcome back!! I am so happy you're back here. By this time, we should be like good friends right? Also tell me, do you love your self ? Your body everytime? Well to be honest, I dont. I sometimes can be like YASSS girl look at that butt and smack it and some other day I cry about how I look or how fat my arms are or how big my belly is or how jiggly my thighs are. So is self love effective like all the time? No ! I feel that it's okay to love your body sometime and call on it sometimes. 

Trust me sometimes that motivates you to achieve  something you've always wanted! Like my jiggly thighs. I know my thighs jiggle and I can think of working more on them, for them to be not to be do jiggly! I am not saying that jiggly thighs are bad but if you really want your thighs to be toned, then you'll have to work on them right . If you want to grow  that booty then you'll have  to work on them! You cant get everything on a golden platter. But! A lot of self love is VERY important too. Telling yourself that you love you and every part of you, will stop yourself from crying over it and will give you confidence.

Even if you don't grow that booty after a week, you'll have the confidence atleast that one day you will grow a booty because I am working for it! Right?! Do you agree with me on this topic ? I wanna know how you feel. Tell me. Okay so bye for now and always remember there's always people who love you no matter  what and they love you selflessly , no matter how you look, how you feel! So take an oath of loving your body now!  Dont wait for your body to become a certain shape and then love it. No! Say you love it right now ! Dont just say it though. Mean it ! Kkk bye ♡ 

These are some of the youtubers that help me love my self: 

The most favourite one is Linda sun ofcourse. I love LOVE LOVE her and almost every post of hers makes me cry. 

https://youtu.be/6i-RtKTimOs    - LINDA SUN 

https://youtu.be/obgYkInVNv4    - Lavendaire

https://youtu.be/GAnKh5kKpgA  - Yoga with Adreine 


https://youtu.be/K-WolidkOLo       - Alivia D'Andrea

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