Friday, December 4, 2020

How to start exercising and get the body you have always wanted

 Helloo there, welcome back! Today I'll tell you about how you can start exercising and not hate it. So if you've read my earlier posts you'll know that I started a journey back in 2019 and I've lost around 50 lbs. So in the beginning I did yoga as I mentioned in my last post. I did that and only that for about a month and lost 9 lbs. So if you cant do burpees and pushups you might wanna hop on to yoga. It is a real burner and it makes you feel light and confident. Then after a month I DISCOVERED blogilates. I started doing her 10 min or 12 min workouts. I did them for a week or so and then stopped. I just want to say that Cassey the queen is not a problem .. I am the problem! I just get bored easily. So I started googling and came across Chloe Ting. She wasn't this famous back then. I came across her 14 day summer shred challenge and started doing it. And I'll just say OH MAN. Her workouts killed me like literally I used to be drenched in sweat. I workout early in the mornings and oh man I used to wake up cursing her(No offence) But yeah .. I hated it! Still I did them  and on my final day of the challenge I measured myself for the first time in 6 months. I ofcourse didnt remember where I had noted down my measures but I had an image of faint 33 inches waist. So I measured myself and it was 31 inches! YAY ! So overall the progress motivated me to go on and on. It wasnt all the motivational videos I watched and the results of other people I watched. The 2 inches that i lost were staring at me and Saying that if you stop working out. BITCH we'll come back and this time with our kids! So I did not stop. But let me tell you I stopped Chloe Tings workouts. Yes because I hated them. I love chloe ting but I wasnt ready to die every single day. Oh yes ! I totally forgot that during her challenge I did light stretching or yoga in the evening. So I dropped her challenge and switched to yoga again. And now I am proud of myself for being in the place I am right now. So just cling on to something that makes you happy and doesnt kill you. Unless you like being killed! Just move your body in some or the other way  trust me you'll get better results. Always remember.  Its 70% diet and 30 whole % of your exercise! Okay bye for now. See ya next time! 


Chloe Ting summer shred Challenge:

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Trying to be strongest I've ever been

 Hi, I hope you are doing well, I am just so happy and I feel so strong so I felt I might share it with you.  I started working out because ...