Wednesday, December 30, 2020

How to change your life in 30 days?

 Hi!! Ever wondered why all the successful people wakeup early!? 

Here's why, when you wake up at 5 or 6 am, the energy at that hour is different. It's the energy that you wont feel when you stay up till 5 am. You'll feel it when you are done with your sleep and when you are fresh and fully awake.

Why is it majestic? 

Because in just that hour not many people are awake and theres not many people awake and  theres not much you can do in that hour other than meditating or working out or praying like most people. 

What can you do at 5 am? 

Just wakeup and think all you can do in that moment. Or just enjoy your coffee or tea peacefully. Maybe write your journal, meditate to manifest or just staring into space will also help your uneasy mind to calm down. It will help you get your emotions together and will set your mindset for the day. 

You might struggle waking up early for first 2-3 days but once you get the hold of it,you'll wake up enjoying it. You'll feel happy and fresh and in peace. You'll wakeup motivated to do something.

Whether you are looking forward to lose weight or maintain weight or this doesnt have anything to do with your fitness journey, you'll succeed. 

What else can you do to change your life? 

 ●Set your timetable for the day. This will keep you organized and will help you get the hold of your day. Get your chores done. Dont be lazy and just sit around. 

You can be lazy after you're done with your chores. Dont procrastinate. 

● Drink atleast a gallon of water everyday. It settles your running mind. Helps you remain healthy. Moves your bowels smoothly. Makes you feel happy again. 

● Eat intuitively but mindfully 

● Meditate in some manner.

● Read something.  Try and gain knowledge everyday.  

● Pray. Be more grateful. 

●Do something that makes you feel happy. 

● Self care is really important. 

● Sleep early. Get atleast 8 hours of sleep. It clears your skin. Makes you lose weight and prevents stress. And your muscles repair. 

Okay. Best of luck for becoming a whole different person . 


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