Friday, December 25, 2020

How to get abs?

 Hi!! Welcome! So, the most asked question is how to get abs. By doing crunches? Or by sit ups? Or by doing a shit lot of cardio? 

The answer is you cant get abs just by doing a 100 crunches a day. Yes your core will become strong if you do a 100 crunches everyday but you wont have visible abs. Actually we all have abs. They are hidden beneath our fat cells which are ofcourse very important to keep our organs safe. And it is absolutely normal to have belly fat. Everyone has it. And no, even I dont have visible abs. I too crave.for.them and have been wanting them for like a year. But I still don't have visible abs. I might have it if I did 2 hrs of exercise and spoil everything in my body. But will I do that? No. 

If someone has abs that doesnt mean that they workout crazily. Every body type is different. Bella Hadids body type is different from mine. Mine is different from yours. No body works same. And thus exercising like a famous influencer wont give you abs in 5 days. 

If you really want abs, try working on your back, legs and chest. These muscles will give an illusion of a smaller waist. And these are the bigger muscles we can work on. Doing ab exercises everyday wont give you abs. Because abs are small muscles in our body just like biceps, booty, love handles. Working them out wont give you any major benefit except that part. If you work on the bigger muscles, your whole body will be affected and you might see your results. 

Also, food plays a major role in health journey or achieving any type of goals. Eat clean and healthy. Eat proper amounts of protien. Your body needs protien (in gms) as per your weight( in kilos). Suppose you are a 70 kilo person, you need 70 gms of protien everyday. Eat properly and intuitively. Dont try to measure 40 gms of rice and 100 grams of dal. Eat what you feel like eating. But in moderation. 

In short,you don't have to work on your abs everyday to have visible abs. And after following all this, if you still dont have abs then what .. its just a body.. it's not like it's the end of the world .. ( I know I sound like a complete Karen) but please don't be unhappy over some small thing unless you are body building and desperately want abs in a week. 

Take your steps carefully and slowly and believe in your self. In your body

 Okay bye !! See ya next time! 

Honest influencers:

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