Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Trying to be strongest I've ever been

 Hi, I hope you are doing well, I am just so happy and I feel so strong so I felt I might share it with you. 

I started working out because I wanted to lose weight and I did actually lost weight because I burned many calories while working out. Till last four months, I was working out to lose weight and to get toned and to look good but now I have realized that. You don't workout to lose weight. You shouldn't work out just to lose weight. You should do it to feel strong to feel happy to have the best state of mind you had and You should work out to feel happy overall. You should drop the mindset that you are working out to lose weight. 

You only go after how much weight you have lost and you'll never feel satisfied with what you have achieved. In the beginning of my journey, I wanted to lose weight and I started working out and as soon as I started working out, I Lost 3 inches from my waist in like 14 days, but I was not happy because that was not my goal. My goal was way bigger. I mean weight-wise. I wanted to get to a certain weight and my progress did not make me happy even though I had lost so much of my inches from my whole body. I did not feel good. I did not feel happy and I did not feel proud of myself. Because that's all what I wanted that that I wanted to lose at least like 20 inches from overall my body and I didn't lose that much in 14 days and I wasn't happy. I wanted more and more and more and more. I was never satisfied and now I have completely changed my mindset. I don't know how I did it. I don't know how I changed my mindset from working out in order to lose weweigt to working out in order to feel strong and happy. I don't know how I did it. But I assure you that once you figure out the way to change your mindset, then you will feel very good in your body in your own body. Actually after I started doing Caroline Girvans Workouts, I felt happy and I felt strong and I didn't want it to just workout to lose weight because her workouts are just not that like that. You know, they are not Losing weight focused, you know, like others lose 10 kg in 10 weeks and lose fat in one week. Her programs are not like that. Her programs focus on how much strong you feel how much you've improved how much your posture has improved.

How many reps can you do in one set now about doing it. Right? Her workouts are all about making us feel happy making us feel strong and her workouts are not at all like other Fitness influencer workouts. Because they are not just booty focused or hourglass figure focused. They are not. 

She doesn't tell you that you'll get abs in two weeks. She does not telling you that you'll grow a booty and two weeks. Her workouts are just Wonderful And that is what I love and  after I started doing her workouts, that's when I Understood that you don't work out just to lose weight you workout to feel strong to get toned to get to be happy in your own body to feel confident in your own body. And you start loving your body afterwards because you see a difference.  You know, there is a saying that you when you start working out you see a difference in 30 days. Someone else sees a difference in your body in 60 days and you get into a habit or your body totally changes in 90 days. And I think that that's what happened to me. I have started seeing tiny tiny little muscles in my body and that's that makes me feel good. You know when I wanted to lose weight and and just did high intensity interval training and just jumping around, I did not feel that way and I did not see any muscle growing out of my body. I of course  lost weight and I looked amazing. But I was I didn't feel that whether there was enough. 

If you really want to improve your mindset, you should change the way you work out. I mean if you are not happy right now and if you don't feel like working out if you don't feel happy while working out if you feel "I just want to end get get done with this and oh my God, this is a chore" then that is not a good workout for you. You know, I'm not telling you to just do Caroline Girvans workouts. If you want to do someone else's workouts, then you can but make sure that you feel happy when you're doing it. Make sure that you are satisfied with what you're doing and make sure that it feels amazing it you get motivated to work out you get so excited to work out. You shouldn't feel that. Oh now have to work out and you know, they said that you shouldn't feel like that. Do whatever makes you happy if working out doesn't make you happy then choose something else. Maybe cycling will make you happy. Maybe Dancing will, maybe rollerskating anything that makes you happy you should do it. You should move your body and if you are struggling with body image like me, like I did I don't think I do anymore. But when I was struggling with my body image, you know, I did not feel confident in anything. I did not feel confident in anything.  I did not feel confident while dancing. I felt like my arms were to Jiggly and My thighs were too jiggly and when I danced they move around and I don't look nice when I dance and I just look goofy. But I now I've realized that who cares who cares if you look Goofy. There's not like people are actually sitting there see me how I look while I dance or when I move. Some of us are just stuck. We think that if I go to a gym or if I dance or if I do anything I like then my I'll move my body and as I move my body my thighs will jiggle my arms will jiggle my belly will jiggle and people will laugh at me but trust me. No one cares. No one cares how you look when you are done saying open how you guys jiggle.No one cares about it. 

If you feel that someone is staring you then it's just your mindset. You know, we are just like that. We are just born like that. We are just self-conscious. We're too self-conscious. Just do it, you know just do it just do whatever you feel like doing. 

If your workouts don't feel enough for you, then you should try some other thing, you know, if you are just doing bodyweight till now you should try working out with weights or something else .I am sure that when you're happy when you're working out then you'll see a difference and you'll feel good afterwards. I mean, I've always felt good after workouts, you know at first I'm like, "oh God I have to work out right now", but then when I started working out, I don't feel like that. I feel amazing. I feel so happy that I can move my body and I'm so grateful that I have my I have my body and I can move it. However, I want. And now I think I am in the body that I've always wanted. 

I mean I will always want it to be skinny, but I'm not skinny right now, but I feel amazing, you know. 

I think this is the body I wanted and I think that I am at the point where I can wear anything and that also includes a lot of self love. You know, I'm not asking you to stand in front of the mirror and tell you yourself 50 times that I love you. I love you. I love you. I mean if you want to do that and if that makes you feel confident after doing that if you start loving yourself after doing that then go for it, but for me, I don't feel happy when I do that, you know, I don't feel good in myself after I say, I love you. 

I just started loving myself because if you don't, how can you expect someone else to love you? 

Thank you, and I hope that you achieve your dreams. I hope you achieve your dream body. And I hope you are at your dream body right now, I hope Hope you always stay like that. I hope you always stay with the Positive mindset. 

And I hope you be grateful with what you have always. Bye. 

Caroline Girvan 


SELF Love video to help you fix your mindset


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Trying to be strongest I've ever been

 Hi, I hope you are doing well, I am just so happy and I feel so strong so I felt I might share it with you.  I started working out because ...