Friday, December 25, 2020

How to plan a workout calendar?

 Hi you guys! Welcome back! I am so happy that you are here. 

So ! I always wondered in the beginning of my journey that how do people workout in the gym without a trainer or a following video. But then after a long time I understood that all of them follow a calendar or a plan. So I researched on some of the plans and how it works. 

Ofcourse if you are following a plan by a particular person then you already you have your life together but if you are not, I got you!

First of all, plan your workout days I.e. when you'll be working out and when you'll be having your rest days. Then plan your time of the day when you'll be working out. Trust me it will be easier if you've planned everything out beforehand. 

Now, are morning workouts more effective or evening workouts? The answer is that time is not at all important. Just working out is. Anytime you like is the best time for an effective workout. You don't need to wake up at 5 am for working out unless you love that time of the morning.

Now back to the workout planning. 

Workout split: 



Wednesday: FULL BODY DAY 

Thursday : Rest day or Active rest             day(walking/Yoga)

Friday: Glutes and Abs 

Saturday: HIIT or Cardio

Sunday: Rest day 

Now this is what I suggest, you can move around the days as per your choice but make sure you incorporate all these workouts in your workout . And please stretch either everyday after your workouts or a full on 30 minute session on your rest day. 

So that's about it. That's how you plan your workout calendar. Be sure to include rest days! Ya got any questions? Drop 'em down. Bye! See ya next time 💓

Here are some of my favorite workout plans: 

Koboko Fitness(Beginner level) : 

Pamela Reif(Intermediate level): 

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