Monday, March 22, 2021

How I take time out for exercise

 Hi, I am so happy that you are here and I hope that I provide you the information you are here for. 

So, I am a student and I have exams, assignments and projects to complete. Before I became a "fitness freak", I was always making excuses that I have my exams or I have to study or I am on my period. I'll start from tomorrow. 

And I am not asking you to workout on your period, but if you are okay with it then go for it. I have always been a lazy procrastinator and this was my excuse for not working out. 

My tomorrow did come and I did workout the next day as I had planned. BUT. I went too fucking hard on the very first day and that made me SO SORE. I wouldn't be able to walk or do any chores and as I was sore from the workout that I did, I wouldn't work out the next day. It took me 3-4 days to recover and after I had recovered, I wouldn't workout thinking that I'll suffer again . 


if you are a complete beginner, then dont go all in on the very first day. Take it easy.  Don't aim for 25 squats in 1 set. Aim for less. That will keep you less injured and you'll be motivated to workout next day too. 

Now, how do I take time out for exercise?! 

I literally just would wake up and take a shower and go to school/ college. I didn't eat breakfast or anything. But then as I wanted to lose weigh, I knew that I had to get serious regarding my workouts. SO I started waking up 20 minutes early than I was used to. I managed my active time and lazy time. 

I used to wake up at 5:30, pray and I used to do yoga for 10 minutes. Then I showered and had breakfast because if you want to lose weight, you dont need to starve yourself. Yeah so I did that.

Then I increased my workout time and I also started doing Chloe Tings workouts, so I started walking up 20 more minutes early. As her workouts were 30 -40 minutes long, I did those and then I showered and all. 

That was my routine before the pandemic, After the pandemic, I had online classes. And they started on 7:30 sharp and ended at like 10 or 11. So I woke up at my usual time and I didnt have to shower or eat breakfast before all that, I worked out and attended classes right after. 

I also always workout in the mornings because after my classes and all I am too lazy to workout. But as I was doing Caroline Girvans EPIC, she posted at 10:30 am, the time zone I live in. So I worked out right after my classes. I didnt enjoy that because I am too grumpy after my classes and all. But I did take out time fr a good workout. 

You don't have to workout an hour or more, only 30 minutes a day is enough too. And you can easily take time out if you really want to. 

Bye 💜

Yoga taht I did

Caroline Girvan:

Monday, March 15, 2021

I lost 11 inches in 3 months !?

 Hi!! I am so glad that you are here and I hope you are doing well. So! I started working out with Caroline Girvans videos and lost 11 inches from my body. 

I started EPIC 1 in December 2020 and did half of it. By the end of December, I was feeling strong and great and so happy to have almost finished the challenge so I decided to continue EPIC 2 10 week challenge that Caroline posted on January 3rd, 2021. It was a new years beginning and so I was motivated and excited to do that. AND I did it! Yesterday I finished the challenge and honestly I have never been happier. I feel strong and I feel like nobody can outwork me! 

Sure, it was difficult. I had to take time out for exercise. Her workouts are approximately 50 minutes. I also had college and a lot of studying to do but I still managed to workout.  Also! I was eating in a calorie deficit all the time. 

(Calorie Deficit: Eating less calories than you require/ burning more calories than you eat. ) 

I was also walking for cardio, because I don't have a bike or a treadmill or any other equipment. I walked inside my house and that clearly worked for me. I don't really like to go outside either so.if you are like me, walking in your house itself might help you. Also I didn't run or anything. Neither did I do endless amounts of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). I just did Caroline's Workouts and that helped me. 

I have also never lasted on a challenge for 10 weeks. I always quit in 14 or 15 days. I get bored very easily.  But with Caroline that did  not happen. 

She has some killer workouts and they made me sore all over. But that's what makes me happy and I feel like I have done SO much hard work and that's why I am sore. You also don't need to have heavier dumbbells. I used my 5 kg pair and a 10 kg dumbbells throughout the challenge. I modified heavier dumbbells requiring exercises. 

Sometimes I even danced. That is also cardio. You can enjoy health and fitness too. I ate in a calorie deficit for sure but I had the tastiest food ever! If you want to know what I had, let me know in the comments.  

So! Finally the challenge came to an end and so I decided to measure myself! I was SHOCKED AND PROUD of my results. 

Following are the results comparisons 

1/12/20                                         13/3/ 21 

Weight: 56 kilos            |              52 kilos 

Waist : 28.5 inches        |              27.2 inches 

Tummy: 34 inches         |           31.8 inches 

Thighs : 23.5 inches        |           22.2 inches 

Arms :    12 inches           |          11.5 inches 

Hips :    38.5 inches          |          36 inches 

Total loss 11 inches overall. 

Yep:") I lost my hips too. But that's fine because I like how my body looks right now. I love it. 

If you want to get amazing results too, try this EPIC challenge my Caroline Girvan! I honestly love her like MUAH ! She helped me overcome my fear of working out! Now I love working out. Also I hope you have a wonderful time trying this Challenge and I hope you achieve the fitness level you have always wanted. 

Also her new challenge EPIC heat is coming up on April 5th. That will mostly have HIIT based moves and strength training included. It will only be 30 minutes long so you really can't make up excuses. Be sure to hop in! Cz I am REALLy excited and scared at the same time 

bye good luck 💜 I love you💜 Don't doubt yourself. You are a badass and you know it! 

EPIC 1 :


RESULTS: (I am so happy for her)

I hope I motivated you to do something 😭👉👈 

Okie Bye now 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

5 exercises to help you gain muscle


Hi everyone today. I'm going to tell you the most important exercises that you can do to improve your strength and if you're a beginner Then you can start off with these exercises and then proceed further. 

I would suggest you to invest in a pair of dumbbells. Either 2kg dumbells or 5 kg or 10 kg dumbbells depends on your strength level if you are more strong than I would like you to start with 5 kg dummies. 

You can progressively overload once you become stronger and stronger. So the five main exercises that so the exercises are


2) Lunges 

3)Chest press/ pushups 

4) Shoulder press 

5) Bent-over rows 

These are the five main exercises that focus on your main muscles.

The main muscle groups of your body your shoulders your back and your chest and your thighs. 


You have got squats and lunges for your legs shoulder press your shoulders chest press for your chest and Bent over rows for your back. I would I would suggest you to watch a tutorial on  how to properly do these exercises. Do not cheat because  if you cheat and you if you don't have proper form while doing these exercises, you might face some injury or you won't see the results you want. 

If you're a complete beginner, I would like you to start with these exercises and if you are Already ahead of everyone, then there also you can do these exercises. I mean your your most important body parts are your thighs your biggest muscles are your thighs your back and your shoulders and your chest? 

These are the main muscle groups. You should you should focus on instead of focusing on biceps and abs and calves or glutes. You should focus more on these body parts. These will these body working these bodyguards will help you get the physique you want and you become more strong. Because these are the main parts of their body of our body. 

So once you figure out how to do the these exercises proper form, I would suggest you to do at least 10 reps of each exercise for three sets or four sets depends on your strength level do those reps until you are fatigued like  if you do one two, three and so on until 10 or 15 counts  face And you  feel oh my God, I can't move ahead. If can't Do more than these then that is your fatigue level. If you are strong enough, and if you have that mental ability to go more than you can then do it, and if not if you're struggling. Very much, then you should stop because that is your fatigue level and you should at least reach to your fatigue level and then move on to next exercise. So 

Do as many reps as you can in one set and then repeat these exercise again three more times. So 10 to 15 reps of in one set of exercise then another exercise 10 to 15 reps in the other set. So you have three circuits with same exercises.

The workout goes: 

Squats - 10 to 15 reps or till fatigued 

Lunges - 10 to 15 reps or till fatigued 

Shoulder press - 10 to 15 reps or till fatigued 

Chest press - 10 to 15 reps or till fatigued 

Bent over rows - 10 to 15 reps or till fatigued 

Bent over rows (switch side) - 10 to 15 reps or till fatigued 

Do these 3 or 4 times till you feel that you had a great workout. 

Try this and let me know in the comments whether you succeed it or not. Thank you. Bye. 

You can see watch for getting a proper form

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Only eating 3/4th portion of my plate


Hello everyone, Today I am here to tell you about my experience of not eating 1/4th part of my plate. 

From childhood itself we are taught to finish our whole plate. This leads to obesity, loss of appetite, loss of taste and lost of appreciation for food. If you are hungry then go ahead, have another serving of food. But if you are struggling to finish your plate, stop eating. Put the fork down. Do not continue eating. That is over eating which then leads to obesity. 

So I have never struggled with not being able to finish my plate and I always was ready for another serving of food. But, I also was morbidly obese.. I decided to not eat 1/4th portion of my plate for a week. Last week on Monday as I sat down to eat any meal, I took out 1/4th portion of it and put it back in the bowl I took it froDon't throw it away. Put it back in the main utensil. It was a bit tough for me because I was hungry. So I took back 1/2 portion of my 1/4th portion to curb my hunger. I was successful this time. I had all my meals like that for two days. 

Now I decided to proceed ahead, I decided to take out 1/4th portion and eat the 3/4th portion of my plate. 

This time I wasn't hungry anymore. That trick lead me to eat only 3/4th portion of my food. I continued this for a week, and I weighed myself of Monday and I had lost 2 pounds. YAY! success! 

Now, If you are not ready to do this yet, I am not here to tell you to eat less. I am here for those people who want to lose weight and are not successful in it. If you are already eating very less or are suffering from some kind of an eating disorder, then do not do this. I hope you recover soon. 


1) Do not try this if you have an eating disorder. 

2) Do not increase your  portion size from 1/4th of your plate. If you do so, you'll be eating very less amount of food which will then lead to extreme weightloss which then will leave you lethargic and malnourished. 

3) Do not throw away your 1/4th portion. Put it back in the main utensil you cooked it in. 

4) Do not try this if you don't want to lose weight. 

5) Do not try this if you are extremely hungry and want another serving. 

6) Try this technique with every meal of yours ( Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and all snacks) 

7) If you are having a fruit that goes bad if you leave it open for some time, give it to another family member of yours or just eat it. 

Thank you for stopping by, See ya next time. 

Will you try this? Inform me if you do.. ❤💜

Here are some easy snacks that you can have:

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Cardio to lose weight

 Hi!! How are you? I hope you are doing well in these tough times. Everyone has been working out during quarantine and everyone has got leaner than last time! If you are doing YouTube workouts like from Chloe Ting or Lilly Sabri, then they are pretty much cardio based workouts. I would suggest you to continue doing that. Also Pamela Reif is amazing if you are not a beginner. 

To all my strength and weight training members, what is the cardio you like? Do you do cardio? Let me know in the comments. If not, then you HAVE to do it! Trust me, all these influencers who create more spews for more views by telling that cardio isn't important, they themselves must be doing cardio! Cardio doesn't only mean running on a treadmill for an hour. It can be more fun if you switch it up. 

Cardio is VERY important if you want to lose weight and get lean. It is also important if you don't have a weight loss goal. It is important form of exercise for your heart. And heart is the most valuable muscle of your body and if you want to make your heart strong, you have to do some type of cardio. Here are some options. Choose wisely. Choose the one that you can do for hours without getting tired. I am not suggesting to do cardio for several hours. But atleast for an hour or so is mandatory. Do atleast 150 minutes of cardio per week. 

1) Walking

Walking is the best form of cardio if you can't jump around for a long period of time. 

I prefer walking over running. I walk atleast 10000 steps a day. Sometimes more. It helps you burn more calories and you won't be as fatigued as you are after running. 

2) Running 

If you love running, or you want to start running, you should go for it. But for me it's too much. If you run at a mild pace for an hour, you can burn upto 600 calories.  Do the math, so if you run for 10 minutes, you will burn 60 calories only. Don't get fooled by the influencers telling you that a 10 minute workout will help burn a 1000 calories. 

3) Dancing 

I have recently started dancing and I love it! I can't dance though but still I like to move my body. If you are a beginner too and you want to dance, I'll link my favorite videos down below you can check it out. 

4) Cycling 

If you have a bike, then get up on it. Don't be shy and ride away!! Cycling helps you burn MANY calories in short amount of time. If you have an exercise bike at your home or at your gym, you can hop on it and sway side to side like Ariana Grande! 

5) Jump rope 

Honestly, this is the best of all! Only 10 minutes of jumping rope will help you burn about 90-100 calories. So if you do it a couple times a day you'll be able to burn upto 200 calories! Isn't it amazing! 

These will not only help you burn fat but also help you live longer! 


My favorite workouts:




Tuesday, February 9, 2021

5 easy snacks in 5 minutes

 Hi ! Here are some super easy and simple recipes that take care of your health for you.

Yogurt bowl

This recipe is super simple and very easy and packed with protein. It fills your stomach up for atleast 3-4 hours. I hope you like it.
You'll need:-

- Berries of your choice (half a cup)
- Honey/Maple syrup/ any sweetener of your choice (as sweet as you like)
- Pb2 (peanut butter powder) (1 tbsp)
-Protien powder of your choice (1 scoop)
- Yogurt (4 to 5 tbsp)

Take the yogurt in a bowl mix the pb2 and protien powder in it. Top with the berries and drizzle some honey/maple syrup/ any sweetener of your choice.
And you are done ! It's ready to eat!

Yoyo apple

This recipe is SUPER easy and packed with nutrients.
All you'll need is
An apple
Yogurt ( 4 to 5 tbsp)
A tsp of cinnamon (optional)

Just cut the apple in the yogurt and sprinkle the cinnamon on top. And you're done! ENJOY YOUR SNACK!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Chocolate popcorn

This recipe is very easy and smart. It will fill you up for very low calories and super yummy.

All you'll need is:

Low fat and low calorie  popcorn
(Or the kernels)

Chocolate protien powder/ any protien powder you like (1 scoop)

Stevia/honey/ vitafiber  (1 tsp/ as much as you like)

Cocoa powder (1 tbsp)

Now! Pop your popcorn in the microwave. Once its cooled down a little bit, take a big bowl, Throw in the popcorn and  add the
Protien powder  and the cocoa powder. Mix it. And drizzle the sweetener on top. And that's it! You are done! Enjoy your low calorie meal 😉

Pink icecream

This recipe is very filling and it includes fruits in it. Yes so its packed with nutrients and all that good stuff!

You'll need:

1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen Raspberries
1/4 low fat milk/ plant based milk
1/3 tsp of Xanthum gum/guar gum
1 scoop of protien powder of your choice

Put all these ingredients in a blender and blend blend blend!

if you dont have the xanthum gum, you can make it without it. It won't be as thick but yes it will taste good! Freeze for 15 minutes before serving!

Chips !!

You'll need
A low calorie tortilla/roti
1/2 tsp oil
1/3 tsp chilli powder
1/3 tsp of salt
1/8 tsp black pepper

Cut your tortilla in 8 equal pieces. Mix in the oil and all the spices. You can add the spice as per your taste. Spread it in a tray and microwave it for 5 minutes. It will turn out crisp and yummy! 

 That's it. These recipes are very satiating and you'll love them once you try them. If you don't have any ingredients I have mentioned NO PROBLEM. You can always twist and turn your recipes.

Remember there are no rules in the kitchen.😉😉😉

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you like these! Let me know if you want more posts like these. I am a snacker and I love me a big snack. But we have got to make sure its low calorie and doesnt mess up your health cycle.

Bye ❤❤


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Progress lost because of a cheat day


Hi everyone. I'm back and this week didn't go as well. As I planned. I did a few cheat meals and I was suffering from diarrhea notnot exactly diarrhea, but 

Not exactly diarrhea I was weak but I walked in Thousand Steps a week day and I pretty much walked out like I always do I did Caroline's workouts and I am super happy because I did a back workout with 10 kg weights. Yes. My back is very sore. But I'm so happy that I you know progressively overloaded my weights. Don't go the hard go. Don't go very hard on the very first time just Go with the on this and keep progressively overloading. Also I ate maybe 1,200 to 1,300 calories in a day. I'm not telling you to eat that much because I don't know what you weigh. And what is your height and everything? If you are not losing weight at your current calorie count then you might want to lower it a little bit more in order to lose weight. I am not entirely sure if I eat 1200 or 1300 calories a day, but this week I didn't lose any weight and I'm not super bummed because you progressively go ahead and you don't lose all the weight. In one day or in a week, and if you do that, then that might create a problem in a longer run. If you lose all the way then you might gain it back again. 

Also day before yesterday. I was fasting and I don't know but I had diarrhea day before yesterday. Not very bad. But yeah, I was kind of scared. 

Yesterday I attended a feast and I eat a lot a lot a lot a lot more than usual. 

I eat too much chicken fish and rotis and rice. That was a good meal. I ate sweets. I had Cola. 

Yes, the calories added up yesterday. But today I  spent my day like the usual day. I didn't burn I didn't try and burn more calories than usual. I did not limit my food. I did not starve myself in order to balance it out. I just ate the usual amount of food that I eat every day. I woke up and I had a yogurt bowl with strawberries and bananas with some peanut butter powder on top then I I had about Half a cup of watermelon and as a snack. I walked a little bit in the morning. I had two rotis for lunch both the wraps with some dal palak  on it. Then I was hungry again around 3:30. I wasn't actually hungry. I craved something. So I had watermelon then I was I walked a little bit again then I had. 

I guess half of  a small papaya. 

Then I had Like half of an orange I guess and then I was hungry again. I don't know why I was very hungry today. So I had one date and some peanut butter powder atablespoon of peanut butter powder 

Then yes, I ran. Okay, right I jogged did not run. I jogged for about 20 minutes. I completed like 1.2 kilometers or something? 

Yes, I am super tired by that jog. Also,  I had a big Roti wrap. 

Put some spinach and cabbage with some moong Dal palak. 

All right. What else? Yes, I'm pretty much not have anything again, and I'm full.

Also, I had about eight glasses of water today. I was very thirsty probably because yesterday I ate too much so maybe I was really thirsty because of that. So yeah, I have had almost eight to ten thousands of water. I don't remember but yes, I had plenty of water today. And shy I haven't pulled today so I don't know what what's coming next. 

I worked out today. 

Yes, my dear Caroline's workout. It went really well, but I was super hungry. I don't know. I think I have because I did not eat much. I guess if I have a filling breakfast then my whole day goes well and I don't get as much hungry. But if I have like small breakfast like I had today I had a yogurt Bowl just with strawberry and a banana. That's why because add that that is what that may be the reason that could be the reason why I was this much hungry today. So yeah, I'll incorporate a little bit heavy breakfast so that I don't get hungry very hungry in the day. 


Okay, that is it. Bye. See you next time. 

Hopefully with some progress. 

Trying to be strongest I've ever been

 Hi, I hope you are doing well, I am just so happy and I feel so strong so I felt I might share it with you.  I started working out because ...