Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Progress lost because of a cheat day


Hi everyone. I'm back and this week didn't go as well. As I planned. I did a few cheat meals and I was suffering from diarrhea notnot exactly diarrhea, but 

Not exactly diarrhea I was weak but I walked in Thousand Steps a week day and I pretty much walked out like I always do I did Caroline's workouts and I am super happy because I did a back workout with 10 kg weights. Yes. My back is very sore. But I'm so happy that I you know progressively overloaded my weights. Don't go the hard go. Don't go very hard on the very first time just Go with the on this and keep progressively overloading. Also I ate maybe 1,200 to 1,300 calories in a day. I'm not telling you to eat that much because I don't know what you weigh. And what is your height and everything? If you are not losing weight at your current calorie count then you might want to lower it a little bit more in order to lose weight. I am not entirely sure if I eat 1200 or 1300 calories a day, but this week I didn't lose any weight and I'm not super bummed because you progressively go ahead and you don't lose all the weight. In one day or in a week, and if you do that, then that might create a problem in a longer run. If you lose all the way then you might gain it back again. 

Also day before yesterday. I was fasting and I don't know but I had diarrhea day before yesterday. Not very bad. But yeah, I was kind of scared. 

Yesterday I attended a feast and I eat a lot a lot a lot a lot more than usual. 

I eat too much chicken fish and rotis and rice. That was a good meal. I ate sweets. I had Cola. 

Yes, the calories added up yesterday. But today I  spent my day like the usual day. I didn't burn I didn't try and burn more calories than usual. I did not limit my food. I did not starve myself in order to balance it out. I just ate the usual amount of food that I eat every day. I woke up and I had a yogurt bowl with strawberries and bananas with some peanut butter powder on top then I I had about Half a cup of watermelon and as a snack. I walked a little bit in the morning. I had two rotis for lunch both the wraps with some dal palak  on it. Then I was hungry again around 3:30. I wasn't actually hungry. I craved something. So I had watermelon then I was I walked a little bit again then I had. 

I guess half of  a small papaya. 

Then I had Like half of an orange I guess and then I was hungry again. I don't know why I was very hungry today. So I had one date and some peanut butter powder atablespoon of peanut butter powder 

Then yes, I ran. Okay, right I jogged did not run. I jogged for about 20 minutes. I completed like 1.2 kilometers or something? 

Yes, I am super tired by that jog. Also,  I had a big Roti wrap. 

Put some spinach and cabbage with some moong Dal palak. 

All right. What else? Yes, I'm pretty much not have anything again, and I'm full.

Also, I had about eight glasses of water today. I was very thirsty probably because yesterday I ate too much so maybe I was really thirsty because of that. So yeah, I have had almost eight to ten thousands of water. I don't remember but yes, I had plenty of water today. And shy I haven't pulled today so I don't know what what's coming next. 

I worked out today. 

Yes, my dear Caroline's workout. It went really well, but I was super hungry. I don't know. I think I have because I did not eat much. I guess if I have a filling breakfast then my whole day goes well and I don't get as much hungry. But if I have like small breakfast like I had today I had a yogurt Bowl just with strawberry and a banana. That's why because add that that is what that may be the reason that could be the reason why I was this much hungry today. So yeah, I'll incorporate a little bit heavy breakfast so that I don't get hungry very hungry in the day. 


Okay, that is it. Bye. See you next time. 

Hopefully with some progress. 

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