Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Cardio to lose weight

 Hi!! How are you? I hope you are doing well in these tough times. Everyone has been working out during quarantine and everyone has got leaner than last time! If you are doing YouTube workouts like from Chloe Ting or Lilly Sabri, then they are pretty much cardio based workouts. I would suggest you to continue doing that. Also Pamela Reif is amazing if you are not a beginner. 

To all my strength and weight training members, what is the cardio you like? Do you do cardio? Let me know in the comments. If not, then you HAVE to do it! Trust me, all these influencers who create more spews for more views by telling that cardio isn't important, they themselves must be doing cardio! Cardio doesn't only mean running on a treadmill for an hour. It can be more fun if you switch it up. 

Cardio is VERY important if you want to lose weight and get lean. It is also important if you don't have a weight loss goal. It is important form of exercise for your heart. And heart is the most valuable muscle of your body and if you want to make your heart strong, you have to do some type of cardio. Here are some options. Choose wisely. Choose the one that you can do for hours without getting tired. I am not suggesting to do cardio for several hours. But atleast for an hour or so is mandatory. Do atleast 150 minutes of cardio per week. 

1) Walking

Walking is the best form of cardio if you can't jump around for a long period of time. 

I prefer walking over running. I walk atleast 10000 steps a day. Sometimes more. It helps you burn more calories and you won't be as fatigued as you are after running. 

2) Running 

If you love running, or you want to start running, you should go for it. But for me it's too much. If you run at a mild pace for an hour, you can burn upto 600 calories.  Do the math, so if you run for 10 minutes, you will burn 60 calories only. Don't get fooled by the influencers telling you that a 10 minute workout will help burn a 1000 calories. 

3) Dancing 

I have recently started dancing and I love it! I can't dance though but still I like to move my body. If you are a beginner too and you want to dance, I'll link my favorite videos down below you can check it out. 

4) Cycling 

If you have a bike, then get up on it. Don't be shy and ride away!! Cycling helps you burn MANY calories in short amount of time. If you have an exercise bike at your home or at your gym, you can hop on it and sway side to side like Ariana Grande! 

5) Jump rope 

Honestly, this is the best of all! Only 10 minutes of jumping rope will help you burn about 90-100 calories. So if you do it a couple times a day you'll be able to burn upto 200 calories! Isn't it amazing! 

These will not only help you burn fat but also help you live longer! 


My favorite workouts:




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