Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 - day 8


Hi! I am taking part in the Caroline Girvan EPIC challenge and I will be sharing my experience here. I hope you are taking part in the challenge and if not I hope I motivate you to do so. 

I woke up at 6 today. I had some homework and some accounts to do so I didn't sleep back again. I had my tea and that made me feel fresh. After the homework was done I walked to calm my self. I was not feeling very good today and I was having an anxiety attack. I listened to some calming music and walked in the nature for 20 minutes. I had uttapam with veggies for breakfast. 

I had my lectures the whole morning and so I was a bit stressed and to distress myself I also had a cup of green tea with cinnamon. Then after my lectures I did today's workout. Caroline is the best you know. She included killer moves that made me shiver with pain but after my workout I felt REAL good. Then I walked for another 20 minutes. 

I had had 4 glasses of water till noon. I had 2 glasses as soon as I woke up to gain energy and to help me focus. I had rice with moong beans for lunch. I was full and so I decided to walk for another 20 or so minutes. I had my evening tea and then my stomach started hurting and I wanted to eat something sweet. I had 3 tsp of chocolate sprinkles. Odd choice I know. But I ddint have anything else to munch on. I also had a tsp of peanut butter and a glass of water so that I wouldn't eat a whole lot. 

Then I had to cook dinner and so I did that. After that I was still not calm. Today was a disaster. I was panicking for absolutely no reason and so I decided to walk again. After that I painted to calm myself down. I had dinner at 8. I had eggs with potatoes and rice. Again odd choice. But egg curry tastes very good. You have got to try it. 

So in total I walked about 10000 steps today. YAY! but still my day didnt go very well. I am fine now. I also had 8 glasses of water and I am SUPER proud. 

How did your day go? 


Caroline Girvan: 


Monday, January 11, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 day 7


Hi!! I am taking part in the Caroline Girvan challenge and I will be telling you my experience of today. It is really easy to have a plan and get your workouts ready made every day. I hope you are in for the challenge too. 

So!! I woke up at 6:45 today, to be honest I was tired a bit. I don't know why, I have these days when I am tired and lethargic and sleepy all day. I decided to have my tea so that I could feel a bit fresh. Then I read Norwegian woods by Haruki Murakami. After an hour or something it was time for my breakfast and so I had uttapam with some ketchup. I made the uttapam in ghee so that I would fulfill my requirements of ghee for the day. Then I walked for like an hour. 

I had my lectures at 10 and so I attended those. I didn't have any morning snack as I was full from the uttapam. Then it was time for the workout so I did that. I am telling you my shoulders were crying by the end. But it was a good workout. I somehow love upper body day than a lower body workout. I then had my lunch which was yesterdays leftover meat pulao with beans and peas. I was very sleepy by then so I slept for like 1 and a half hour. When I wwoke up I felt fresh and energetic. I had my tea to wake my self up and I had to make dinner so I cut up an apple and drizzled some peanut butter on top and had that while cooking. A monkey jumped in my balcony right now and I almost peed! 

I am walking right now as I write this. My goal is atleast 8000 steps or more. I will have my dinner around 7:30 PM. I have had 5 glasses of water up till now and I am hoping I can gulp down 2 more. 

By far my day went wonderful! How about you? 

Bye❤ see ya tomorrow! 

Caroline Girvan: 


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2- Day 6


Hi! I am participating in the new EPIC challenge by Caroline Girvan and I hope you are too. If you are not I hope I give you some motivation to do it.

So yesterday was a rest day and I so I took complete rest but then I was bored so I walked about 8000 steps. I woke up at 6: 45 today and it was a Sunday morning so I was chill otherwise I am always busy doing something on regular days. Robin Sharma says that after 10 minutes of waking up your brain is really active and no other thoughts are interrupting it so at that time you should do something productive like read something that gives you knowledge or journal or listen to podcasts or audio books for like 20 minutes. So I wanted to follow that so I heard a podcast " Honestly by Tanmay Bhat "where he talks about finance and stocks. I don't  know shit about that so I am trying to get more knowledge of the stock market and what really happens in our economy. I heard that for 20 minutes and then it was time for my breakfast. I had oatmeal with apple and peanut butter. It was really filling and yummy. 

Then I wanted a change so I walked/ran for an hour or something. Then I read "Norwegian woods" by Haruki Murakami. It really is a good book and some how it calms me down. Books usually give me stress. I don't know why. I know it's weird and books are supposed to calm you down be it any book. But I don't know for some reason I can't just read peacefully and patiently. Anyway so then it was time for my workout and it was a HIIT day. Oh boy. I hate that! I was stressed since yesterday about today's workout. But then after I got into my workout clothes I just went on with the workout. It was a good one. A dumbbell HIIT workout. I hate HATE those Cardio based HIIT workouts. I couldn't really do those punch in the air with dumbells. I have to work on them a little bit more. Then I went on with my day by doing nothing much. 

I had butterscotch yogurt with some almonds. It was my invention and it tasted really yummy. I had uttapam for lunch. I had only one because I just can't digest it. I get all acidic and stuff. And I wasn't hungry until 6 in the evening. I had peanut butter and a date as a snack. Also I made a meat pulao with beans and peas for dinner. I'll have that around 7:45 or 8. 

In total I walked about 8500 steps today. I'll walk some more after dinner maybe. So it will be 10000 steps for the day. WOOH! I had 7-8  glasses of water and I am really happy. 

How did your day go? 

Caroline Girvan : 


Friday, January 8, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 - Day 5


Hi!! So ... I am taking part in the Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 challenge and I hope that you are too and if you are not then I hope I can provide you some motivation to follow along. 

Yesterday was an active rest day and so I walked about 7000 steps and also cleaned my house so it was kind of a workout also I was continuously standing for 2 hours as I had to cook. I must've burnt calories while doing that too. So the day went well I guess. 

Today I woke up at 6:45 and I felt kind of lethargic so I had my morning tea and dates with almonds for some energy. Then I walked for about 45 minutes and also ran for 12 minutes I think. It felt wonderful running to my favourite 00s music. What is your favorite genre ? Mine is mostly pop and sometimes electronic. 

I had an egg omelette with a roti for breakfast. I loaded my omelette with green chutney and tomato sauce. Sounds yucky I know. But it tasted yummy! Then I had my lectures and after those I walked again for 10 minutes or something. By then Caroline had already posted today's workout so I did that. It was an hour of torture. Just kidding, I was completely in a "I feel like I am alive but I am dead" situation. It was a full body day with dumbells including super sets. We all hate repeating the same exercises. Don't we? But Caroline says that doing sets actually gives you more progress and hitting that muscle group again really proves into effect. Also I just can't do one leg hamstring thingy's. What about you? 

I had a glass of water before and after workout. Also I had 2 rotis with ghee and some gavar sabzi with 2 roasted papad. I was so full after that and so I didn't have any evening snack. Well I had one biscuit. But I don't count that as a whole snack. Then I had to cook dinner, I cooked some pasta with tomato sauce and also some cabbage sabzi with khichdi. I did some chores standing and also walked a little bit. Then I had dinner. Some khichdi with ghee and sabzi and some pasta. 

Overall my day went really well. I had 7 glasses of water and walked about 6000 steps a day today. I'll be doing stretching tomorrow as it is a rest day. 

How was your day? 

Bye for now ❤

Caroline Girvan : 


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 - Day 4

 January 6th, 2021

Hi!! I am taking part in the Caroline Girvans EPIC 2 challenge and I hope you are too. 

So my day started today at 7:15 am. I didn't have lectures till 10 today so I had an absolute free morning. I got done with my "chores" and then it was time for breakfast. I always eat before 9 am. Make sure to eat proper meals at proper time schedules, it helps a lot. I had Yogurt bowl with homemade granola. I don't know how you make granola but I take 2 tbsp oats and heat them up, add some flax seeds in it, some cocoa powder and some cinnamon, a tsp of peanut butter and a tsp of honey. It tastes really good. So! After my breakfast I started walking and I was listening music, Harry Styles is my absolute favorite and also some Bollywood songs that pass my vibe. The song Golden came up and I started running the way Harry runs, I was not expecting a 10 minute run. 

I don't usually run in my apartment for obvious reasons, but I don't know what happened to me. So I walked/ran for about 45 minutes. Then I had my lectures so I attended those. By the time I finished my studying Caroline Girvan had already posted the workout which was Core and Full body workout. I was weirdly excited for it and I did it really easily. The workout contained core strengthening movements in the beginning and then afterwards it was full body focused exercise including makers. Oh God I hate them. I don't know why but the dumbells just hurt my fingers so much that I get distracted and lose my charm. 

After my workout I did a 10 minute stretching routine that I made up containing really basic stretches. I had yesterdays leftover Radish Paratha and then I had to cook dinner which was Mutter Paneer. I love Paneer. How about you? So I cooked that and then I took a nap. I had fresh figs and some peanut butter for evening snack, then I made chapatis. I had my dinner around 7:30 PM and I almost had 6 glasses of water today. Walked 6500 steps today. 

Overall I am proud for making it through the day without being a lazy potato that I was yesterday. Also I am reading Norwegian woods and so far I am hooked. Do you read? What books do you recommend to an absolute beginner me but an enthusiast. 

Also are you in for the challenge? 

Caroline Girvan: 


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 Day 3

 Hi! So I am taking part in the Caroline Girvan Epic 2 challenge and I will be sharing my experience here, the challenge is completely free and it's on YouTube.. I discovered Caroline Girvan through Linda sun and I am so happy I did. Are you in for the challenge? I hope you are❤

I spent my day kind of lazily today and it did not go as well as I had planned for it to go. I have been a total couch potato today. 

I woke up at 7:15 am and I had oatmeal batman banana and strawberries with some peanut butter on top as breakfast. Then I had my morning lectures so I attended those. After lectures, I was waiting for Caroline to post today's workout. I was really excited for today because I love working on my upper body. I did not want to to cardio or a HIIT workout today and thus I skipped rope for about 10 minutes with 1-2 minutes break in between. After that Caroline had already posted the workout so I did that. Loved the workout honestly. Time flew while doing it. 

- Hydrate properly after your workouts

- Have a protien shake or something with protien 

- Have a banana or any fresh fruit.

I had my lunch which was yesterdays leftover Tinda sabzi with ghee rotis. Then I walked for about 40 minutes and after that I lied in my bed watching Defending Jacob. It's a wonderful series and honestly I was hooked so I watched it for 4 hours straight. And while watching it I had khakhra. 

I got up for making dinner which was Raddish Paratha. It was really tasty! I had it with some green chili chutney on the side. You know green chilli has nutrients too. You should have achaar and  chutneys on the side. 

I am in my bed right now and probably will be till tomorrow morning, Not the most productive day. But it was well spent . I walked 5000 steps today and had 6 glasses of water. 

How did your day go? 


Caroline Girvan : 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 - Day 2


Hi! I am taking part in the Epic 2 challenge by Caroline Girvan and I'll be sharing my experience with it here. 

My day went really well today. I felt healthy and toned. I did not feel that much bloated and my food was well digested than it usually is.

I woke up at 7:15 am today, I had morning lectures and after that I walked for a little bit and then fortunately Caroline posted the warm up so I did that. Caroline had said in some other warm up video that doing HIIT along with the EPIC workouts would help a little bit more. I wanted to challenge myself a little bit and wanted to know how much my body is capable of so I did a 10 minute HIIT workout by Sydney Cummings. I was panting and puffing by the end of it but I still managed to do it. 

By then Caroline had posted the leg workout. It was 50 minutes long. OH GOD. I hate lunges and today's workout included a lot of those. I used a 10 kg dumbbell for it. I died by the end of it. Also I used 2 10 kg dumbells for the first time today for the Romanian dead lift and I am very proud of myself. Always remember everyone starts somewhere. Do not come into pressure and try to do the hardest and destroy your self.  I did my workout today without my usual tantrums and I am happy that I am capable of doing this much. 

Also, I had a banana firstly after waking up, then after an hour or something I had oatmeal with apple and some strawberries for breakfast. I had yesterdays left over chicken Biryani for lunch. I walked for like 45 minutes after lunch, doing that really helps my digestion and I feel really calm when I walk. I had Dahi Bundi as an evening snack. Not the healthiest option, I know but I love it, and so I had it! 

Also I cooked dinner today after a long time and to be honest I loved it. Rujuta Diwekar says that doing daily chores really help in your fitness journey and I so I am trying to not be a lazy figure and work a little bit more to achieve my dream. I cooked Tendli sabzi and khichdi. Ah!! Loved it. I had it with a teaspoon of ghee. Ghee is healthier fat and you must have it for majority of nutrients that it provides. I also had almost 6 glasses of water which is better than yesterday. I also walked 7000 steps and I am so happy that I am trying to accomplish everything I want. 

How did your day go? 

Bye for now ! ❤

Caroline Girvan : WARM UP : https://youtu.be/PzyzfjtNHb0

Sydney Cummings : 


Caroline Girvan day 2 


Trying to be strongest I've ever been

 Hi, I hope you are doing well, I am just so happy and I feel so strong so I felt I might share it with you.  I started working out because ...