Saturday, January 2, 2021

Lose fat easily (New years resolution)

 Hi!! Welcome the year 2021, embrace it; be grateful that you have passed this year apparently the 'worst year'. Be grateful for your health, your family, that you have a home and that you have your life together. As together as a flock of birds flying to their nests at dusk. You have your life together and you are aware about what you are doing and that is why you are here reading this blog to help you become more healthier than you already are. So, embrace this year and whatever happens this year, do not blame the year for it or do not just decide that this year will be the worst too. Be positive. Be happy and take care of your self. 

I wanted to lose weight and I did but then I wanted to challenge my self a lot more so I just started searching about good workouts that improve your health and body and gets you more toned. I came to know about weight training. Now you do not have to have a gym membership to do weighted workouts. On YouTube there are many AMAZING influencers that help us.

 So,  back to me, I was too afraid that I would look manly if I lifted weights but slowly and gradually my attraction towards them started  to grow and I bought my first pair of 2 kg dumbells. I did Lilly Sabri's workout with them. Those 15 days of Lilly Sabri's workout were the best days of my life. It really changed my whole outlook on working out. Then I wanted more. So I bought another 5 kg and 10 kg dumbells. I started Sydney Cummings workouts with 5 kg dumbells and I loved it. Then I found out about Caroline Girvan though my beloved Linda Sun and honestly I've never been happier. 

Caroline Girvan is the loveliest person on YouTube that I know and her workouts kill me. But I love them. I've been doing her workouts since December and I feel stronger and stronger everyday. I love her and I am sure you will too. I know that 5 and 10 kg are not heavy but still everyone starts somewhere and If you are at 2 kg do not be ashamed of it. One day you will get there.

Caroline Girvan's new challenge epic 2 starts on January 3rd 2021 and I am in! 

Are you? 

I will post my experience everyday hopefully until the challenge ends. 

Love ya !! Bye !! ❤

Caroline Girvan Epic 2 :

Linda Sun aka my Favorite person:

Lilly Sabri (My mom's favorite) :

Sydney Cummings ( Sweetest of all) :

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Trying to be strongest I've ever been

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