Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 - day 8


Hi! I am taking part in the Caroline Girvan EPIC challenge and I will be sharing my experience here. I hope you are taking part in the challenge and if not I hope I motivate you to do so. 

I woke up at 6 today. I had some homework and some accounts to do so I didn't sleep back again. I had my tea and that made me feel fresh. After the homework was done I walked to calm my self. I was not feeling very good today and I was having an anxiety attack. I listened to some calming music and walked in the nature for 20 minutes. I had uttapam with veggies for breakfast. 

I had my lectures the whole morning and so I was a bit stressed and to distress myself I also had a cup of green tea with cinnamon. Then after my lectures I did today's workout. Caroline is the best you know. She included killer moves that made me shiver with pain but after my workout I felt REAL good. Then I walked for another 20 minutes. 

I had had 4 glasses of water till noon. I had 2 glasses as soon as I woke up to gain energy and to help me focus. I had rice with moong beans for lunch. I was full and so I decided to walk for another 20 or so minutes. I had my evening tea and then my stomach started hurting and I wanted to eat something sweet. I had 3 tsp of chocolate sprinkles. Odd choice I know. But I ddint have anything else to munch on. I also had a tsp of peanut butter and a glass of water so that I wouldn't eat a whole lot. 

Then I had to cook dinner and so I did that. After that I was still not calm. Today was a disaster. I was panicking for absolutely no reason and so I decided to walk again. After that I painted to calm myself down. I had dinner at 8. I had eggs with potatoes and rice. Again odd choice. But egg curry tastes very good. You have got to try it. 

So in total I walked about 10000 steps today. YAY! but still my day didnt go very well. I am fine now. I also had 8 glasses of water and I am SUPER proud. 

How did your day go? 


Caroline Girvan: 


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