Thursday, January 28, 2021

How to lose 5 lbs in 2 weeks?

January 13 to 28

It's been a long time and I haven't reviewed Caroline's work outs. I was super unmotivated and I had my exams I was eating and exercising well and I was in a calorie deficit like Greg doucette has said and I have lost 5 pounds in two weeks. And I'm super happy about it, and I want to tell  everything about that to you. So this week went absolutely amazing. I did all Caroline's workouts and they were super tough. My upper body is stiff and I am very tight in my upper body and I'm sore and but I think it's it's a good sign. I have been eating in a calorie deficit and I'm losing weight. 

I have to give you a super great recipe about the wrap that I eat every day with every meal. I mean I eat one Roti with some subzi and one wrap every day and it feels me it fills my stomach and I don't get as hungry. So the wrap includes a little bit of ketchup,spinach and chicken or scrambled eggs or Just spinach with some capsicum or Chilli or  tomato sometimes and then I wrap it up and then eat it with my meal with my Roti and sabzi and I am full. As a snack I eat anabolic popcorn by Greg  Doucette. I pop all the popcorn kernels and then put some honey on top like teaspoon of honey on top because it has because honey has many calories so I don't put a lot of it. Just like a teaspoon of it. Then I sprinkle some cocoa powder on it and some protein powder on it and then I mix it up and then eat it and it keeps me very energetic and full. I have been walking 10,000 steps a day more sometimes and I am feeling super light also, I'm on my period but still I'm not as bloated as I am ntormally and I am losing weight. Otherwise on my period, I'm super heavy.

I tried Greg doucettes  Anabolic ice cream but I don't have the xantham gum. So it isn't as stiff as it is supposed to be and it kind of feels like a smoothie and I don't like the taste of it so I don't eat it. I eat anabolic popcorn and the wrap from Greg Doucettes cookbook, which is absolutely amazing. My 199 dollars are well spent and I can eat everything from that. If you don't have it if you don't want to buy a book just watch his videos on YouTube. You can follow his recipes from there. Whatever you like. If you don't want to spend your money on that book, you can watch his videos. He's a kinesiologist. He's not a doctor. He's a kinesiologist and he's amazing. He has helped me his book, his knowledge has helped me lose weight. I was plateauing for a while now for like four months now I was Stuck on my weight, but now as I am in a calorie deficit I am losing my weight. I have said in the past that calories do not matter, but no they do if you want to lose with you have to get be in calorie deficit. Otherwise, you won't be losing weight. 

There is a myth that eating more will help you lose weight. Well eating more lower calorie dense foods will help you lose weight. If you eat lower calorie dense foods, then you'll be full and you you won't be eating as much so yes eat more of lower calorie dense foods and you will lose weight. Also, I watched Alivia D'Andreas glow up Diaries of her losing 32 pounds of fat and I think that she's amazing. I am so happy for her for losing that much weight and people are hating on her that she had an eating disorder and she's into getting help but she is here now and she there are only two episodes she has posted and we don't know that much about her journey yet. We can't blame her of something she isnt diagnosed with. She's amazing. If you want to lose weight watch her videos, she motivates people and she has posted her own transformation on her Channel and she looks amazing. Now. She looks healthy and happy now. She has a positive mindset and I hope she'll help you. Now back to Caroline's workouts. Oh my God, they're getting super hard these days. Today is one our full full body, and I am super excited. Yesterday was an active rest day , but I didn't do her cardio the lower steady state cardio. I didn't do that because you know, she kicks ass and I wasn't ready to get my ass beaten. So I did Lilly Sabri's cardio box workout of Linda sun challenge and that that was that was amazing.  I recommend you doing Lilly Sabris workouts,  If you are a beginner, she has lower weight workouts and they are cardio-based work out and  you'll lose weight. If you do that also eating in a calorie deficit  will help you lose weight. 

Also do some cardio do any type of cardio that you like like steady state cardio like cycling or walking or running. If you if you can do the cardio you're doing for two hours straight without getting tired then taht is the best cardio.for you..I walked ten thousand steps a day. That's my preferred state of cardio. And that is how you can lose weight. If if I plateau again then I'll change my cardio method I think but I think that 10,000 steps are enough for me. And you don't have to walk 10,000 steps if you can't but at least 6000 7000 steps are enough and they will help you lose with her will help you lose weight. Just be kind of active don't just lie around all day and don't be a couch potato you can be a couch potato after completing your daily step.goal.

 Strength training is for building muscle. It isn't for losing weight. So don't think that doing weight training will help you burn more calories. No, it isn't . Cardio will help you lose weight. 

cardio is the best form of exercise that you can do to lose weight. If you if you have to pick one exercise that you can do for your whole life then what would you pick? I would pick my walking because walking is a state of cardio. It is good for your heart. Heart is the most important muscle of our body. We have to protect our Heart by doing cardio. 

Cardio will help you loose weight. Just believe me. Believe what Greg Doucette says. He's a bodybuilder. He's not stupid. 

Thank you. So that is my advice on losing five pounds in two weeks. Maybe you you'll lose more than that. Maybe you lose less than that. Don't get demotivated. You will lose weight. If you are in a calorie deficit if you're doing more cardio, and if you're eating less calories than you are burning then you will lose weight. 

Thank you. Bye. ❤

Caroline Girvan:

Greg Doucette:

Alivia D' Andrea:

Lilly Sabri × Linda Sun:

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