Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 - Day 9


Hi! So I have taken part in the Caroline Girvan EPIC 2 challenge and today was day 9. I am so happy that I have gotten this far and I am still motivated to complete all 50 days. I hope I can help you in some or the other way. 

So! I woke up at 7 today hoping that there wouldn't be any important lectures and luckily there were not. I was literally so happy and that made my whole day BETTER. I was just not concerned about anything and lived my morning. I had tea to wake myself up and then I decided to listen to a podcast about finance and stuff. Then I headed on to make my breakfast and honestly I did not knoww what to eat and I was just roaming around in the kitchen wandering what to eat, when I thought of making my favourite breakfast option,  a yogurt bowl! I made my homemade special granola and added some honey on top. I did not have any fruits except apples and so I cut up an apple and munched on half of it while making my granola. I honestly made a little bit too much of granola. But I loved it ! After breakfast i decided to take a walk and so i did. I walked for an hour I guess. 

Then I read my favourite book. I was so engrossed in it that I read continuously for about an hour that rarely ever happens .. soo .. that must be a real good book. Caroline had already posted her workout and I was very excited as it was an upper body day. I started the workout and OH BOY. I hadn't even completed half of it and my upper body was shivering. The biceps part was the worst. I could not do any more than 5 reps of those. But practice makes perfect. I will try and try and will succeed one day. 

I had my lunch a little late today. I don't know I just was not very hungry. Must be that granola. Also I had a fresh fig as a snack. I did not have anything for an evening snack. I was tired. I dont know why. Then I had to cook dinner and so I continuously stood and walked in the kitchen for 3 hours ! That was too much. But I am happy. I made a meal that fulfills the stomachs of my family. I learnt something new. I had never made dhokla before. Today I did it. Also I had that for dinner. Odd. I know..  but hey you can eat anything you want anytime you want. Also I discovered Greg Doucette and he really focuses on calories in the food. I agree with him and he totally made sense. He doesn't say that you need to eat less and weigh less to look good. He says that knowing what you are eating is the most important thing. A handful of nuts contain 200 calories and a BIG BOWL of popcorn contains the same. Now you will obviously finish the handful of nuts in 5 seconds whereas the BIG BOWL of popcorn will last you 10 minutes and that will trick you into eating more and weighing less. And he also says that you don't need to Lose weight to be healthy. He has given many more examples like Candy and ice cream and stuff. He also has some delicious recipes! You and I have GOT to try them. 

Alright; I walked about 7000 steps today and had 7 glasses of water. A bit tired with all that standing but yeah .. now I am going to bed. Get your beauty sleep in! 

Bye ❤

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