Friday, November 27, 2020

My journey towards health



Hi everyone, I was motivated to make a fitness blog because I saw so many people trying to get fit or get skinny the wrong way, so I am here to help you just a little bit on your journey for getting fit.

I'll be posting every Tuesday and Friday or sometimes every day to give you motivation to be happy and healthy. Follow me for catching all the updates.

I have lost almost 25 kgs (50 lbs) in the last year with right and wrong techniques. And I am not saying that you have to lose weight to get fit. But I’ve always wanted to lose weight and get to a certain number on the scale and so I opted for weight loss. In this post I’ll be talking about my back story.


I was a very thin toddler and then I started gaining weight eventually. I had low calcium and my immunity was very poor so I took the meds for that and I believe that caused my weight gain or I just started eating more and more. I became chubbier and chubbier as I grew. I became self-conscious in 6th grade and from then I have always hated my body. In 7th grade my teacher called me fat in front of everyone and I remember bawling my eyes out in the toilet, since then I  have always been insecure about my body. So I started exercising in 7th grade, my mom used to coach me as she went to gym back in her days. But after that I just stopped that. When I was 13, I started walking because my friend had lost a lot of weight and I loved her progress. I used to eat very little in order to lose weight. I remember eating an orange or an apple for lunch. I lost weight but then I stopped again and got even more fatter. I gave up when my another teacher asked me to start exercising or I would grow fat. For 2 years after that, I focused more and more on studies and when I was 15, I stood on the weighing scale and I was shocked. The number was 74 kgs! SO, I started a CRAZY diet, I had protein shakes for breakfast and dinner and for lunch, I used to have a proper meal. I lost weight, but along with it I lost my hair, my skin was worse than ever and my immunity was very poor too. And so eventually I stopped that, also it was really expensive so I had to. Then after a year or so I was almost the same weight again, and when there was a health check up in my school and my another teacher laughed at me for weighing 71 kgs. And he teased me with an over weight boy, I am not saying that over weight boys are bad or so but when you have dealt with a pressure of losing weight all  the time, it feels like an insult. So! I hopped back on that crazy diet of having protein shakes. I did that for like a month and then stopped again. After that I was DONE with losing weight! So I ate whatever I wanted without worrying and in my freshmen year of college, I gained 5 more kilos and that’s when I decided to lose weight. I used to binge a lot in my first year of college, I didn’t feel well and I lacked confidence so much that I avoided all the parties my friends did. So I decided to just close my eyes and start walking towards my goal without thinking about all the pros and cons it could bring. Okay so, for now, this is it! See ya next time.  

Trying to be strongest I've ever been

 Hi, I hope you are doing well, I am just so happy and I feel so strong so I felt I might share it with you.  I started working out because ...